Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just my luck...

Guten Tag!

So... leave it up to me to have some sort of stupid adventure on the way down here. (Just by the way, if you find Zs where there shoudl be Ys, it's cuz they are in each other's spots on the keyboard) Anyway, so I got super super delayed on the way over. Somehow, the plane left NY, flew for an hour and then had to turn back. Some bollocks about pressurization or something. Anywho, so we flew back... all the while, the Italian guy sitting next to me is flipping about "We're gonna die..." Shut your mouth, woman!! Anyway, needless to say, we didn't die, but we landed in Dublin one hour AFTER my connecting flight to Berlin was supposed to leave. So, the poor people at Aer Lingus had to re-rout ALL the passengers... many of whom complained profusely. In the end, I had to wait a while, fly through Heathrow Airport in London and finally land in Berlin 8 hours behind schedule. I thought this would help combat jet-lag... but I was wrong. I went to bed at like 11 (after being up for a good 35 hours) and now I'm up writing a blog, and it's 2AM.

Never mind the jetlag, though, and let me tell you about the hostel. The two guys who picked me up at the airport were awesome. I've known them for like 20 minutes and already they are burping, swearing and trying to offend me by making comments about women drivers... it didn't work (Thanks, Graham and Jean-Luc). So we got to the hostel, in the woods (no wild boars yet, unfortunately) and we had a BBQ. It was pretty cool. No idea what the hell we were eating, but it wasnt completely foul, so it's all good.

Tomorrow, apparently, is riot day in Berlin and I am fully expected to participate. This should be interesting...

Anyway, I guess I'll go try and sleep again... although it's going to be a lot more difficult now that I see that the Habs are losing.... damn the man!!


Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

NO wild boar....that patrick what a liar!!!!
well i'm happy that you arrived safe and sound!
By the way i quit H&M when you come back maybe we can go job hunting together....well for uncle con is going back to his home in ireland on the 26th(may)....maybe i can get him to fly me back to ireland with him.....:P
love ya!!!

7:44 PM  
Blogger Kristelle said...

yah stephy i definetly need ur professional help to help me find a new job for this school year!!!! so make a plan!

11:16 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

Damn those smelly Germans! Damn them all! And have a happy riot day. Apparently they're rioting in the States too, something about some Latino maids not wanting to change my bedsheets no more. Those crazy Latinos! .... what?

3:10 PM  

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