Friday, May 05, 2006


Hello again!

Ok, so I suppose you are wondering what I have been up to since the riots and Nazis and all... well, let's start with the important stuff, shall we? When I left the hostel in Berlin, I was walking through the forest and guess what I saw!!! The Wild Boar! I was VERY excited. And, in case you are wondering, it has babies... at least four of them. they ran away before I had a chance to take pictures, but alas, they were there.

Anywho, so I took a train to Hamburg and arrived at my hostel in one piece and not lost around 2 o'clock. I couldnt check in till 3ish, so I went on a tiny adventure... and by that I mean I went to the Port of Hamburg. It's pretty awesome. The Port itself accounts for something like 12 percent of the surface of Hamburg, pretty impressive stuff. As it was a really nice day, I wandered around aimlessly for a while taking pictures and hoping against hope that I wouldnt tan with my glasses on (cuz then I'd look like quite the fool...) When I was just about ready to get going, I was checking something in my trusty Lonely Planet and a random man standing next to me looked over and said "Tourist?" I supposed that tourist in German is Tourist cuz when I said yes he started speaking to me really quickly in German. When he saw the confused look on my face, he switched to English. Turns out he is a police man here in Hamburg and he knows EVERYTHING about anything around here. He kind of turned into a tour guide for me and showed me around to a bunch of places in the Port that I would not have known existed had he not told me. By the end of his three hour-long improvised tour, I didnt remember any of what he said, but he seemed pleased with himself, so it's all good. I do love it when locals become tour guides out of the blue. Seems funny to me, cuy there's no way in hell I could show a tourist that much about Montreal just off the top of my head.

Having already seen Hamburg's number one attraction upon arrival, I followed up with Hamburg's number two tourist attraction - the red light district. The Reeperbahn is a long street which just looks like one giant sex shop, with a random seedy-looking hotel thrown in here and there for good mesure. I don't think I have ever seen so much leather in one place at one time. Scary really, cuz there were a whole heck of a lot of famillies with small children around. Not good. Anyway, after wandering through sex shops for a while, I finally found what I was looking for... a prostitute. No seriously, the Erotic Art Museum - my book told me it was cool. Well, for once, it was wrong. I was scared. A lot of the displays in that museum involved reproductive organs, which is what one would expect from an Erotic Art Museum, but the thing of it is, a lot of these parts seemed to be bleeding. Not so cool... and not so erotic. Then there were the paitings and pictures of women doing things with dogs that I could not possibly imagine putting Gadget through... and also, if anyone ever catches me recreating the "art" involving a lit candle and someone's backside, please shoot me. So, as you can see, the Erotic Art Museum was... an experience... to say the least.

After the Museum, I went and found everyone's favourite thing... the Condomerie, with the gargantuan condom in the window. The window is quite cluttered with a wide assortment of sex props, but when I located this condom, I was impressed. It was no longer than a regular condom, but it must have been at least ten centimeters in diameter... if I met anyone who could properly fit that thing, we would have a serious case "don't-come-anywhere-near-me-with-that-thing". It would make sex like giving birth, wouldn't it? And everyone knows that's unpleasant...

Alrighty, so after that, I went into the Panoptikum (the wax museum). It was pretty damn cheesy, but I've never been to a wax museum before, so I couldn't resist. Inside they had figures of Marilyn Monroe, The Beatles, Madonna, Micheal Jackson and, among all these pleasant people, Hitler. Not too sure what to make of that, but, seeing as I dont speak German, I couldnt ask.

So that about sums up my adventures for the past couple of days... today is the Port birthday, so there's supposedly some big party down there... I might go check it out. I'm also heading down to the Speicherstad (I think thats how it's spelled...) where I will learn what it's like to be blind...

I hope Carolina's losing...

Steph :)

P.S. Heather - why does your dad think I'm a neo-nazi??? I thought we were buddies...


Blogger Kristelle said...

hey sexy!!! so erotic art museum....reproductive parts bleeding...well that doesn't seem unpleasent....even in the morgue at mcgill there is nothing bleeding! Did u pose with the wax ppl? i hope you were pulling on Hitler's crazy moustache!!!! I want to the musueum many ppl and mostly ederly ppl...they are so pushy....this old lady just push me off when i was staring at some very pretty jewellery...but anyways that nice tourist guide/policemen sounds very nice and i'm very happy you met him....did u ask for his number? you know he could become ur german buddy!
anyways bitch slap you...JOKE
love you

7:27 AM  
Blogger PrincessChristy said...

You know I miss you when I check your blog in the morning when I wake up and at night before I go to bed...actually, it makes for some good reading. I think we should publish all your logs from Australia, Peru, and Europe in some kind of "steph's wild adveture guide" type book. Maybe it will be more useful that your Lonely Planet guide! I have to agree with your mom - just say no to sex! At least say NO to scary German police men who randomly pick you up at the port and take you on a tour! I smell a rat....By the way, wax museums are not cheesy!!! I had a blast at the Vegas one. It's kinda funny how the Germans have a statue of Hitler and the Americans have a statue of Bush - guess people really do love shitty leaders! Speaking of which, did anyone see that hilarious Dumb & Dumber Aslin cartoon in the Gazette last weekend? Don't worry Steph I cut it out so you can have a good laugh when you get back....LOVE YOU LOTS! xoxox

5:55 PM  
Blogger Kristelle said...

JO???? kiss you in all the naughty places??????

10:28 AM  
Blogger Ash said...

Hamburg was my country and my german english class... i think... anywho, I think Crissy's idea about putting ur blogs together is a great idea... Ill buy it! haha and then Ill be famous by association! Nice! Nothing new since I last spoke to you on MSN... actually I bought shoes.. which is very exciting, except I have yet to learn how to walk in one of the two pairs I bought... this will be interesting.. and painful I can assure you!
and Jo... kisses in all the naughty places??? Should I even dare ask?! And I cant imagine what a bloody reproductive part being erotic... but hey, maybe that's just us stephy... apparently some ppl like that kinda stuff (what is wrong with u kris!!!! - Im hoping you made a typo!) haha
Still no sign of my dog... still lost... maybe I should call him to see if he's still alive?!
Anywho, glad to hear that you are having a great time... and even more happy to hear that you found the bigs! and it has babies... hehe... all very exciting for me!... Anywho, keep visiting random and weird places so that I can have this much fun reading all your blogs! Missing you lots and loving you more!
Be safe.. and dont do anything I wouldn't do... (haha that still leaves you will many many options!)

5:25 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

oh ya... and tonight Im having a game night! If you hadn't left me, you would have been invited!
Miss you

5:29 PM  

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