Sunday, May 14, 2006


Guten Mutter Tag! (to all the probably just mine, therest of you, hello)

So, I havent really being doing much these past couple of days as Ive been in pretty lame cities. I went to the Zoo in Frankfurt, though and there were giraffes, so Heather's jealous.

Anyway, today I went to the absolute best museum of all time. The Schokoladen Museum here in Köln is FABULOUS. For those of you who have not deduced this, Schokoladen = Chocolate. And it's brilliant from the very beginning... as you pay your 6 euro entrance fee, they give you a chocolate. What a good start! Then you walk through a gallery taking you through a brief history of chocolate and an equally brief description of how it is made. Then... oh, then you enter the best smelling room I have ever had the joy of setting foot in. This room is a recreated, miniature (and by miniature I mean its only one room, as opposed to a whole building) version of the Lindt Chocolate factory. All the machinery is here and they produce the chocolates for the entrance as well as for the gift shop on the spot. And not only that! The Lindt Chocolatiers are here! In their white uniforms with hats and all, just like in the commercials. Superb! It was thrilling... there's also a chocolate fountain in that room, where you are allowed to taste the chocolate. Mmmm... Then you are off to an exhibition upstairs which begins with displays of old shops with chocolate tins and other cool vintage stuff and ends in a more typical museume fashion... pictures, displays, explanatory cards. But not explaning just anything... no, this section of the museum is dedicated to chocolate as an aphrodisiac. Very nice.

So that was pleasant... and then I went to the Deutsches Sport and Olympia Museum. Not as cool as the chocolate museum (obviously) but cool enough. They had a special exhibit on - gasp! - soccer... German coaches and players around the world. And then they had their regular exhibit which takes you through the history of the Olympic Games and training in ancient times. The really cool part, though, are the interactive displays allowing you to experience a bike race, a bobsled ride and lifting some pretty serious weights. Of course, you werent allowed pictures here, so I have no proof... but trust me, it was hot.

Other than that, not toomuch happening. Its my last day in Germany today... tomorrow, I get to speak French, something I actually understand, so I'm excited about that!!

Ok, bye for now!

Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

Johannnnnnne you made brownies and i was not heart is broken!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways....did u have the urge of throwing urself naked in the fountain of chocolate???that would have been hot!!!!!

soccer in germany...why????:P
anyways goodluck in the country of lovvvvvvvveeeeee!!!!
love you miss you
oh dear tomorrow 1st day at abbott!!!

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello you !!!
deja deux semaines, je trouve que ça passe (quand meme) vite !
a LSG, tout le monde est malade ou est en voyage ou peut pas travailler alors jai plein plein d'heures. J'AI HATE QUE TU REVIENNES ! (Mais pas juste pour les vipz on est quand meme pas pire sans toi)
Pour revenir a ton voyage, je veux trop aller dans le musee du chocolat, juste a lire ton blog, j'ai l'eau a la bouche. J'espere que tu vas aimer la France, tu diras allo a nat et a sofia (si elle est deja demenagee...)
Profites au max de la ville de la tour eiffel (by the way, tu vas aller la voir jespere?!?) et pour finir, j'aimerais te donner un advice... apparamment que les francais puent... Tiens toi pas trop pres d'eux...;)
i love u and i miss u bcq bcq
bisous bisous

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, now I'm jealous. So,tell me, is chocolate better than closets?
ciao, ciao,

3:01 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

Mmmmmmm chocolate!!! Sounds even better than the hershey factory.. and that was very exciting!
Next stop... la France!!! Have fun darling... I better not read a blog that says that you feel in love and you are never coming home... you can fall in love, but make sure that he comes here... a month of you gone is long enough thank u very much! Are u gonna see Sofia? If yes, tell her that I send lots of kisses!
I hope Germany was everything you expected and more, and that France is even better!
Oh ya, and Im now addicted to Grey's Anatomy... although ER is still OUR thing!!! (you're included too jo!)
Still no word from my dog...
But I do have a good story for you when u get home!!!
Jtaime Stephy

9:44 PM  
Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Hi Steph!!!
This will be my last post for a few days (sigh) as I will be away visiting my new home....If you don't hear from me again you can be sure that I drowned in the massive floods of Massachusetts. Anyways, I think you could have won everyone over if you had just brought some of that chocolate home with you. We may have been tempted to forgive you for leaving us all...but I guess we'll never know. By the way, you are missing out - Kris & I have resumed our pointless summer job emails. The JOY of the one word emails Kris sends is unparalleled. I know you understand!
P.S. I too was converted into a Grey's Anatomy fan! In fact, it is my dream to find enough couch time to watch the entire first season by the end of the summer so that I will feel somewhat closer to the characters when it resumes next fall. They will be my new friends in lame am I?!?! But they are Drs so it makes a bit of sense....
P.P.S. Kristina is fine....

8:47 PM  
Blogger Kristelle said...

jade didn't win! caaaaaaassssssseeee like gab would say! lol but i didn't watch keeping it to watch for you1
miss you!

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god
guillaume-hugo s'est rasé la tete alors la maintenant on voit son coco:(
mais au moins cest pour une bonne cause.... le cancer du sein...:(
c fou quand on frotte sa tete dans un sens on dirait une pêche et dans lautre sesn un kiwi... (tsé la texture)

en2cas, jattends un nouveau post la, jaimerais avoir un ptit update de la france !!!
take care jolie dame


7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

3:50 AM  

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