Sunday, May 21, 2006

I need a boyfriend for this city...

Will you be my boyfriend? Ok, so most of you will know where thats from... those of you who don't, too bad. So, two posts in two days - how's that for not falling off the face of the earth - but if I dont write about today now, then I'll probably not have as good a post for you guys.

First of all, and most importantly, I got up this morning and did laundry. I had no clean socks and no clean underwear left and all my stuff (literally ALL of it) smelled like crap, so it was really time. Now I smell nice.

Afterwards, my new buddy Jody and I went on a walk around Paris. And I mean ALL around Paris. We started by walking from our hostel to the Louvre. We did not go in, because she has already seen it (I'll go another day), but we got some pretty cool shot of the outside and, naturally, the glass pyramid in front. It's such a bloddy big museum. I was in shock. I knew it was big, but this is unreal. I feel that if anyone was really into art and wanted to see the whole thing, it would take them at least three full days. Thankfully, I am not really into art and only plan to go in, take a picture of the Mona Lisa, and leave. Thank goodness.

Next, we moseyed on over to the Arc de Triomphe via the Champs Elysees. It was cool, because our weather was sorta moody, so I got to see the Champs Elysees "au soleil" and "sous la pluie". Not too shabby. Naturally I sang all the way down (or hummed, whatever). We finally got to the Arc de Triomphe, which is a pretty damn long walk from the Louvre, but it was well worth the effort. The thing is friggin huge! You can climb to the top of it, but as neither of us is that fond of heights, and we agreed we would do the eiffel tower, we skipped it.

From there, we crossed over to the Trocadero, which, aside from being a fantastic place to view the Eiffel Tower from, I'm not too sure what it is. It's a building, and its pretty. So there. Then it was off to the Tower itself. Pretty hot. Actually, it's kind of ugly, but it's impressive nonetheless. It's sooooooooo big. Like, so big. I can't even explain how big it is. I tried to get some pictures which could possibly convey it's size, but I'm not too sure I succeeded. We'll see. Jody and I didnt actually go up the Eiffel Tower today, because the line-ups were so long and we decided we should do it at night, to make it that much more impressive. So, I'll have to get back to you on that one.

After that, we strolled along the Champ de Mars. It's quite amazing how many parks and fields and all that kind of stuff you can actually find in downtown Paris. Not at all like Montreal, where the only park is about 5 metres wide and smells a whole lot like weed. Oh well...

We also saw the Hotel des Invalides. I can't exactly remember the history behind it (something about invalids, no doubt) but it has a nice golden roof top. So thats cool.

After that exhausting day, we started the journey home. We didnt realize how far we had actually walked until we headed out. Oh my! It took us a good 2 hours to get back to the hostel at which point we thought we would pass out from fatigue. We didn't, but we thought we would. All in all, our walk around Paris took us about 5-6 hours. Not bad at all... though I really think I need a nap now...

And so I leave you, friends. Next time you hear from me, I will have been flea market shopping, seen some catacombs, been to visit LSG Natalie at Annec and will probably be in Dublin. So don't expect a new post too too soon!


Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

i want to be ur boyfriend....i asked to be your boyfriend and you denied my request on facebook...loser! aaaaahhhhh paris aaaaahhhhhh louvres....were they ppl running around trying to crack the da vinci code????? i went to see my god daugther...sheès so cute...check the blog youèll see pictures!
je vous aime ma cherie!

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's not actually going to LSG, she's just meeting up with Nat who works at LSG in Mtl with her!

Hey Steph, sounds like your having soo much fun! I'm jealous! Work is not the same without you. Everyone is asking about you and when you're coming back...can't wait to hear all about your adventures. AS Val said, our staff is dropping like flies...everyone is either sick, quit, or just decides they don't feel like working. N e one need a job?

Ok so ER finale AHHHHHH that's all I could say! So much drama!!!! Fill you in when u get home.

Keep on having fun! Miss u! C u soon!


7:22 PM  
Blogger PrincessChristy said...

HEY! I'm back....I spent the past 4 days in Boston and I have nothing to show for it...I am homeless! I'm not that picky, really, but its difficult to find a decent place to live. Anyways, I am glad to hear you are having so much fun. About the Louvre, 3 days is not enough for an art fan. Try 3 years! But, beyond that, even though you aren't that interested you really should take the time to speed walk around the galleries. They are amazing! Its really something to see all the paintings you've only ever seen in books hanging 5 feet in front of you. And, just so you don't get mad, Mona has quite the fan club. You'll probably need to push through an entire mod to even just catch a glimpse of her. Another thing, I don't know how much it is, but when I was there we took a tour by boat and that was super cool so if you can find a cheap tour I highly recommend it. Boyfriends are overrated!!! But if you really have to find one, just put on the pink bikini...So far it's tested 100% fail-proof....hee hee!! Be safe, je t'aime (en francais pour vous ma belle!)

10:04 AM  
Blogger Ash said...

Hey Darling... Ill be you bf! (she's mine Kris!)lol Sounds like you're having a great time... so glad to hear that!!! (not that I expected any different...but u know) I had a comedy night for a fundraiser for the weekend to end breast cancer... it went pretty well.. the three comedians were sooo funny, but the MC sucked some serious ass... clearly not as funny... Next saturday we have a party at the pub... another fundraiser... and everyone hasta wear PINK..ill be thinking of you! It was my sis' grad tonight... she's done high school... it was so boring! haha (but a teacher said that she liked me better!... which was funny!)
Oh ya... and I got a job at a law firm... so now i do the 9-5 shit... and i hafta look presentable... i miss my pool days where i could be half hung over and run around in a bathing suit and get a nice tan... those were the days! haha
Anywho, it's passed my bedtime... keep smelling clean (cause ull never find a bf smelling like crap) and keep us posted on ur adventures. Love ya lots and missing you more.
Let me know if u need me to give heather a shirt for the plane ride home...

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

5:44 PM  

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