Saturday, May 27, 2006

Uh Oh! Beer Again!

Hello again!

Ok, so lots has happened since the last time we spoke... or i wrote, you read, whatever.

First off, i capped off my stay in Paris with a visit to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Actually, not the top top. It was closed because of the extremely windy day, but we went to the second platform anyway. It was amazing! The views from up there are awesome, it feels like you can see all of France. Clearly, you can't, but it feels like thats what you are seeing. i took pictures, so you can judge for yourselves.

I also went into the Louvre. Naturally, it was packed... so i took a picture of the Mona Lisa (by stealth - it says "Absolutely no pictures" - but no one saw me) and got the hell out of there. I wouldnt have appreciated any of the rest of it anyway, being cramped in there like a sardine. I did, however, run into someone i knew on my way out. It was quite odd...

Then my Torontonian friend and I went on a Seine river cruise at night. It was pretty, but it started to rain pretty hard during our ride, so we had to sit inside, which made it somewhat less pleasant. But it was cool nonetheless... i got to see the Eiffel Tower when it was sparkling, which is really what I wanted, so it's all good.

The next day, i headed off to Annecy, where Natalie from work is staying on her school exchange, or whatever it is shes doing. It's a really pretty little town, bordered by lakes and mountains. We didn't actyally get much done... walked some, shopped some, ate the best ice cream of all time... but then again, there isnt much to do in Annecy, so I suppose we did well.

After all that French stuff, I took an underwater train to London, where I refused to eat of drink or anything like that, because I hate British Pounds... so expensive. But it's ok, because I was only there for one night... The next morning, I flew out to Dublin, where, after a few delays, I met up woth Heather, Ray and Alexis. Alexis is only hanging out with us in Dublin, but Heather and Ray will be part of the "we" I will use from now on.

Yesterday, we went to the Guinness breweries, where we saw how they make beer, what ingredients they use and so forth and so on. At the end of the tour, they give you a free pint. But of course, as i had only had a bowl of cornflakes, I was slightly tipsy by the end of it. Tipsy and it was only two o'clock in the afternoon. Not my finest hour. We capped off the evening with a nice irish meal... mmmm potatoes.

Today, we saw some sights... cathedrals, parks and such, but also Dublinia. It's an interactive medieval historical museum type dealie. It was pretty cool, but most of all, a hell of a good excuse to take some stupid ass pictures. Funny. And there was a whole big section on Vikings, so I felt at home... and took pictures of Viking stuff to teach JL how to properly act like a Viking. We also went to the Natural History Museum, which displays all sorts of animals and their skeletons from all over the world. SO COOL! I now absolutely need to go to Africa to see some cool ass animals.

I suppose thats about it, in a nutshell. We are also acting like fools a lot, but thats to be expected when me and Heather and Ray get together.

Let's hope we dont get too drunk in the afternoons anymore...

See you soon!

Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

how are you??? ooooohhhh bones....i love bones...animal bones ssssssoooo cool!!! any dodo bone's????? now you know how to make beer i think you should try to invent a new flavored ear waz beer...hhhhuuummmm yah i just read some harry poter..sorry!
anyways me and jose are watching xmen 3 tomorrow night...wish u were there...wolverine will miss u!
love you

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

5:44 PM  

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