Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Princess for a night! Or two...

Hello lads and lassies,

It's official - I have slept in a castle.

We left Dublin on Monday, after having visit the rather extraordinary zoo. They had all kinds of cool stuff, and by stuff I mean animals... like Zebras and Giraffes and Puppies. The puppies were not so fantastic, what with I live with three, but still the rest was cool. And the zoo itself is HUGE!!

But onto more important things. On monday, we got on a bus and came to Kilkenny, a rather small town about two hours away from Dublin. Before heading off to our hostel (or castle, whichever you wanna call it) we stopped by a pub for some lunch. It was fabulous! Bangers and mash, baby... and by bangers I mean sausages and mash, well, mashed potatoes. Irish food will be my undoing. So, we were just sitting around eating our meal, when this man, Joe, comes up to our table and starts talking to us. As it were, Joe was slightly inebriated (to borrow his words) and started telling us that Ray had "landed the salmon" because he was travelling with two girls. He also asked who was the queen here (I took that title, thank you very much!) and then told me I had Huskie's eyes. Right... I think he just told me I look like a dog... with light eyes. He was nuts. He finally left us alone, to go back to the bar, naturally. He tried ordering more drinks, but the bartender refused him, saying that he was too drunk. Now, the combination of drunkenness and Irish accents made it quite difficult to understand what was really going on, but after a few minutes, it became apparent that we were gonna witness a good old fashioned Irish barfight. Unfortunately, this scenario seems much too common for the bartender and he did a very good job calming everyone down and expelling the drunkards, thus avoiding a fight. Oh well, there's still time, more pubs to come...

Anyways, here in Kilkenny, we are living in a castle!!! And not only that, but the castle is haunted!!!! Oh yes, our haunted castle, which is about 8 miles outside the city centre and close to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (except a yard which houses roosters, horsies that eat out of our hands and reindeer), is absolutely gorgeous and said to be haunted by 3 ghosts... a little girl (we'll cal her Myrtle), a guard, and a third one, which everyone seems reluctant to tell us about. Must be scary. Anywho, we hung around the castle most of the evening, and at chinese food in a dungeon (quite an experience!) then we went to bed. And thats when the weird stuff started happening. First of all, let me just say that Ray is sleeping in the ladies' dormitories, thats not weird, but funny. When we were all sleeping, Ray swears he was woken up by "a ghost" throwing rocks at the castle. Heather and I choose to believe, cuz we want ghosts! So tonight, hopefully, we will be attacked by said rock-throwing ghost and then Ill write about that!

Today, we went to another castle, this one in the city center and actually used to house royal families, or something like that. We took a guided tour of the inside and were guided by a rather snooty Irish lady, but it's ok, cuz it was an interesting tour. We've spent the rest of the day walking along the gardens of the castle (castle always have the best gardens) and the streets of the city.

Tomorrow, it's off to Cork, where Im not sure what well see, but surely it'll be good! And after that, we'll go wherever the wid blows us... and by that I mean, wherever Heather decides...


Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

ahhhhhhhh amn marise beats me...meaning she does love you more than i do....DAMN it!!!!
why didn't you call the ghost casper????
i saw X-Men 3 and it was damn amazinnnnnnnggggggg wolverine is ssssssssso hot!!! and by the wolverine is caracjou in french he he he he
love you miss you!

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Steph, if any of these 'ghosts' you talk about gets fresh, slap him, got it? You keep putting big smiles on my face when I hear what a good time you are having, and all the fantastic sights you are seeing. Keep in touch, say Hi to Heather and Ray for me please.

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

T'as l'air d'avoir tellement de fun !!! T'as dormi dans un château j'en reviens pas... tes vrm en train de devenir une diva...
En parlant de divas... LSG est plus pareille sans toi et jeu mennuiiiiiiiiiiiie!!
A l'école, On a recu notre album de finissants, on signe des messages d'adieux, on compte le nombre de cours qui nous restent... le secondaire est fini... dans 2 sem !!! Dsl, tu pourras pus dire que j'ai 12 ans ... j'en ai 17 !!! et bientot au Cégep... quel coup de vieux !

Passe une merveilleuse fin de voyage et je pense bcq bcq a toi a lautre bout de la planete !!

bisous bisous
val, ta petite soeurette

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

et jattends des photos !
et 6 mois avec guillaume-hugo vendredi ! ;)

6:34 PM  
Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Don't have much time to write my usual speech about the crazy things happening in my life. Just want to say hi and miss you lots! Kris and I are looking forward to you joining out weekly outings! Have a great time...oh one more thing that came to mind as I read your blog: if you are queen, and I'm a princess...what does that make Kristelle? Should we make her the court jester!!! HEE HEE I want to see her juggle! LOVE U LOTS

7:54 AM  
Blogger Kristelle said...

a jester!!!!!!! come on!!!! i rather be the maids queen!!!!!or the kings mistress!!!

8:50 AM  

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