Monday, June 05, 2006

Maybe THEY lie, not us...

Hello again!

So, remember how I said the Blarney Stone was supposed to make you lie for seven years? Well, it doesn't seem to be working. If anything, it seems to be making everyone around us lie... but not us.

On Saturday, we hopped on a bus out of Cork and made our way to Killarney. There, our hostel was actually a revamped manor... pretty hot! It was out in the middle of nowhere, but as the only thing we really wanted to see in Killarney was the national park, this didnt bother us too much. So once we had dropped off our bags in our room, we went down to the pub and got some lunch. We didnt know where the National Park was and the signpost said 10 km, so we asked out waitress where the nearest entrance was and she said "One mile down the road". That's not too bad, right? So Ray and I headed off in the direction she had pointed us (Heather was very tired, so she went back to the hostel) and tried to keep track of how far we'd walked. When we thought a mile was up, we still couldnt see anything... so we kept walking. Eventually, after passing next to 2 golf courses and a hotel, we came to the entrance of the National Park. This entrance, however, was not the one she had told us of, Oh No!, it was, in fact, the one that was ten kilometres away, in the city centre. So that was quite a walk. By the time we actually found the entrance to the park, we couldn't be bothered to go in, we just wanted some ice cream to cool off (it's been surprisingly hot!). So all that walking led us absolutely nowhere!!!!

Anywho, the next day, we took yet another bus and hauled our butts to Doolin, a tiny little village of 200 people. When Heather reserved our hostel here, their website told her that it was 300 yards away from the Cliff of Moher, the main reason anyone actually stops here. Sounds good... but the Cliffs of Moher are actually about 8 km away. This time, there is a bus to get there, but it was a lie nonetheless. So yesterday, we wandered around our little village and found it to be quite quaint. We saw a little path running down toward the water and a little secluded rock beach that looked really pretty, but it was blocked of by a locked gate. Did that stop us? No. We hopped it, and walked through a bunch of cow patties (as Ray likes to call them) to get there. It was well worth the effort. We got a pretty decent view of the Cliffs, though not at their highest point, from a completely tourist free zone. Pretty hot. Heather and I took some Top Model pictures. The only pitfall to our little trespassing adventure was that, on the way back Heather got a small electric shocks in her crotch. Ouch! We had to hop over some barbed wire to get there (and back!) and, well, she didnt make it so easily the second time. Shes ok, though, so its all good!

Today, we went to see the Cliffs from the touristy area, which was equally pretty, possibly a little more. We took some pretty freakin awesome pictures, including a complete re-enactment of my Macchu Picchu picture. It's really hot again, so the hike up the 203 metre Cliff was quite demanding, but again, well worth the effort. Youll understand when you see pictures.

The rest of our day will probably be spend just chilling... its too hot to do anything else...

Tomorrow, Galway... no idea what we're doing there, but I shall find out soon enough!

Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

Hey hey hey~
why was everyone lying to you guys???
10 must have been a long walk!
so heather and you took some top model picture i bet you guys were 100 times better than the canada next top model....they're so not hot...

8:39 AM  
Blogger Ash said...

Hello darling... sorry I missed ur last blog... this past week has been crazyyyyyyyy!!! But Im glad to here that ur having a fun time... speaking of Galway, I meet some guy at St. Sulpice from Galway.. he was nice..... and had a crasy accent! (good story eh?! I know, I should tell it at parties!!!) Saturday I had a fundraising party at the pub... it turned out really well... Gabo and everyone came... Kris couldn't come cause she was still sick from the night before hahah (i love u kristelle!!!!) But she bought me a really cute monkey phone decor thing and donated money so she did more than make up for it!!! Pace wasn't cool at all and didn't want to come cause it was at the pub.. not impressed...
Ur coming home soon... very excited... cant wait!!! :)
Anywho, i just got back from soccer (we won) and i smell, so Im gonna go take a shower and then go to bed.. night night... love ya lots and missing u more!!!!
Night Night hugs and kisses x 100000000000000

8:55 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

p.s. I guess u dont need a shirt eh?!

8:56 PM  

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